MedFORCE has enrolled its first acceleratee
Almond Tree Capital (ATC) has made its first investment and MedFORCE added its second
Moving Analytics, Inc.
EvinceMed, Inc.
Photonicare, Inc.
Promaxo, Inc.
Elemeno Health, Inc.
Photonicare, Inc.
Trivirim, Inc.
Portfolio companies:
Moving Analytics, Inc
Evidence-based app and nurse workstation to facilitate home-based cardio-pulmonary rehab at bundled payment cardiac hospitals: raising patient enrollment and completion, reducing readmits, raising reimbursement, lowering costs.
EvinceMed, Inc
“Intel-inside”-like platform targeting $100B high end drug problem, to expedite eligibility, pre-authorization (EPA), consent. EvinceMed™ Specialty Therapeutics Management Platform connects, automates, and simplifies the holistic specialty prescribing process across healthcare to take time, cost, and frustration out of the system.
Photonicare, Inc
“Seeing beyond the ear drum!” PhotoniCare’s hand-held ClearView imaging tool uses an advanced light-based technology (optical coherence tomography, OCT) to see through the eardrum. For the first time, physicians can view a high-resolution OCT image on-screen to better diagnose and choose treatment options for inflammation or irritation of the middle ear, reducing unnecessary or inappropriate antibiotics, while speeding the decision for surgery, where necessary.
ClearView does not change the workflow of GP / Pediatric or ENT practice, just makes it better, as it will become the non-invasive solution that eliminates guesswork, replacing subjective diagnosis with objective data.
Promaxo, Inc
Promaxo is developing an office-based, portable MRI with cellular spatial resolution, and real-time targeted biopsy and treatment tools for the urology market. Our current focus is on transforming prostate cancer disease management. Promaxo’s patented MR technology takes advantage of proprietary ultra-fast and strong gradients and pre-polarization fields which can be switched on rapidly without causing bio-effects (e.g., nerve stimulation). The prototype MRI systems have demonstrated rise- and fall-times about one-hundred times faster than conventional MRI. These rapid and strong gradients (about 10 T/m) permit collection of millions of points in k-space in tens of seconds, yielding images with spatial resolution of 30 microns, comparable to histology.
Elemeno Health, Inc
Elemeno Health, Inc. strives to deliver higher quality and safety at low cost. The company has designed a cloud-based app that drives frontline adoption of clinical best practices,
through just-in-time support at the point of care. (Elemeno) drives clinical and operational workflow while significantly improving patients’ experience. (Elemeno) helps all members of the healthcare team perform to the full extent of their training to enable hospital clinical stakeholders improve.
Trivirum, Inc
TriVirum, Inc., an early stage medical device company using leading edge semiconductor and signal processing technology to build new, innovative medical devices. Trivirum strives to develop cost-effective, medical quality sensors that provide clinicians with actionable information to improve the health outcomes of patients around the world, while lowering costs to health plans. Trivirum’s first product is A-Fib-Chek, the first world low cost disposable device to detect undiagnosed AFib. Designed for mass screening of all 65+ year old population, A-Fib-Chek will address the estimated 25 million patients who remain undiagnosed but have AFib, the leading cause of stroke.